The Dangers of Comparison

Everyone wants to be like someone. Believe it or not this can either be a recipe for disaster or for goodwill and productivity. However way it turns out to be can leave a lasting impression that is unshakable and irresistible. This is an overpowering attraction that is hard to resist.

In a society where everyone wants to be successful there’s a danger of wanting to be just like or better than your peers. However, everything that seems to be is not always what it truly is. This can cause an inconsiderable lost of time and resources as you make inconsiderate decisions to compete for positions that is not even available. We often hear the term; “ When I grow up I want to be just like him/her.” In as much as it might be a passing remark, so many live their lives trying to aspire to that goal. The reason for so much jealousy is because of the comparison bug that gets a hold on people especially those who do not have the means to compete but are willing to do what it takes to fit the profile.

The grass always looks greener on the other side. We would do anything to be like them but without even knowing, beyond the horizon lies disappointment and pain, sadness and grief. Does this describe anything you might be experiencing? Welcome to the danger zone! The danger of comparison is always a stream that flows the wrong way. As you swim against the tide, without the needed strength, the waves will pull you under. There will be no point of return because the probability of success will lead to side streets with no hope of recovery from the torrent of time.

As we compare apple to apple, what do we see! They might be differences in size, color or taste but underneath of it all, they are just the same. Put to the test, you can make the same pie or whatever can be made from it without any significant difference. It comes from the same apple tree. It is easy to want to be like; but what ever that might mean, it is not the best game to play especially when dealing with professionals who are good at playing the game. We were all created in the likeness and image of God so why do we have to want to be someone we are not! Strip away the external and you will soon realize that we are all the same. Color and class does not matter. What matters is contentment of the heart. We don’t have to compare or compete!

Comparison will take you on a journey of evaluating two or more things by determining the relevant, comparable characteristics of each other. When you are evaluating, it is easy to become side track and unfocus. The things or person you admire and want to be like might be a fake. They might be going through a metamorphosis that was inevitable the thing that represent them for what they are not. You have set your mind on that thing only to find out the it is not all that it seems to be. Here in lies the dangers of comparison that can take you on a trip of no return.

Have you ever seen someone who is dress and well put together? As you look and admire, you want to be like them so badly. You like how they walk, how they talk and how they dress. In your mind they are just the epitome of whom you want to become. You set out to imitate their every move; you follow their development and pursue their ideals, you get a bit closer to knowing their personality and their way of life. With awe and amazement you are overcome with surprise because after all those efforts you found out that the picture of your supposed perfect harmony is just a walking tragedy waiting to explore into chaos. The grass is not always greener on the other side. The danger of comparison is always a danger that will lead frustration and regrets.

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