Is a leader born or made? Part 2

In our discussion on leadership born or made, I will continue to give my opinion and hope that I can stir your emotions.

Just because people might not gravitate toward a leader does not mean that they are not effective? Some of the beast leaders are those who will stand firm against the odds to accomplish the task at hand. Everyone does not have the same personality. Some are quite and are introverts. Does this mean that introverts, persons of average social intelligence, or those of us who are not particularly empathic will not make good leaders? Certainly not. A great leader will jump at the opportunity to help and take control in times of crisis.

Leaders are made not born; that is what I believe. Anyone who aspire to be in the position of leadership should prepare themselves for such positions. Formulate a plan and choose the best course is to embark on a leadership self-development.

What makes a great and successful leaders is the willingness to do the right thing. It doesn’t matter their leadership style their ability will be defined by the choices they make essentially when they are confronted with challenges. Choosing the right action at the right time and keeping a steady eye on the ball is of great importance. A true leader must be courageous, selfaware and ensure the consistent support of their team of followers. This takes practice and dedication to the task which is before them.

A great leader must lead by example. They should know what their followers want and when it is necessary to give it. This might not be an easy decision but one that will gain much admiration. Continuous learning is part of the responsibility of any good leader. You are never to old to learn and never to young to be submissive to those with whom you have to interact.

A true leader is one who is adaptive and able to shoulder any responsibility thereby fostering growth.

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